Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women's group meets the second Monday of every month in Fellowship Hall from 10 AM until 1 pm. The meeting agenda is a Bible Study for the first hour followed by business and then a potluck. Members of this group shall be all women who choose to participate or be supportive of Presbyterian women in any way; and to provide an inclusive caring community of women.
Officers for 2020
Moderator: Beverly Chavez
Vice-Moderators: Esther Lopez and Tessie Lopez
Secretary/Historian: Olga Joyce
Treasurer: Martha Powers
Moderator of the Search Committee: Dora Martinez
Coordinating Team Board: Mary Montoya, Solema Newton, Beverly Molo
Moderator: Beverly Chavez
Vice-Moderators: Esther Lopez and Tessie Lopez
Secretary/Historian: Olga Joyce
Treasurer: Martha Powers
Moderator of the Search Committee: Dora Martinez
Coordinating Team Board: Mary Montoya, Solema Newton, Beverly Molo
The name of this organization shall be: Presbyterian Women of Second Presbyterian Church.
The name of this organization shall be: Presbyterian Women of Second Presbyterian Church.
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ
And empowered by the Holy Spirit,
We commit ourselves: to nurture ourselves through prayer and Bible study, To support the mission of the church worldwide,
To work for justice and peace, and
To build an inclusive, caring community of women
That strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA)
And witness to the promise of God's kingdom.
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ
And empowered by the Holy Spirit,
We commit ourselves: to nurture ourselves through prayer and Bible study, To support the mission of the church worldwide,
To work for justice and peace, and
To build an inclusive, caring community of women
That strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA)
And witness to the promise of God's kingdom.
Members shall be all women who choose to participate in or be supportive of PW in any way. The membership shall be divided into circles that gather regularly to have Bible study, fellowship, and to provide an inclusive, caring community of women.
Members shall be all women who choose to participate in or be supportive of PW in any way. The membership shall be divided into circles that gather regularly to have Bible study, fellowship, and to provide an inclusive, caring community of women.
Officers shall work to fulfill the purpose, principles, and business of PW in the congregation.
Section 1: The Search Committee shall present names of women to be elected as members of the coordinating team, to PW, in the congregation. Elected officers of PW groups will be members of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Section 2: The term of office shall be for two years, with privilege of re-election.
Section 3: The coordinating Team of PW in the Congregation shall be Moderator, Vice Moderator, Secretary-/Historian, Treasurer and Moderator of the Search Committee. Additional members shall be: Circle chairs and members-at-large. The moderator will have authority to appoint members-at-large for specific responsibilities, should the need arise.
Officers shall work to fulfill the purpose, principles, and business of PW in the congregation.
Section 1: The Search Committee shall present names of women to be elected as members of the coordinating team, to PW, in the congregation. Elected officers of PW groups will be members of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Section 2: The term of office shall be for two years, with privilege of re-election.
Section 3: The coordinating Team of PW in the Congregation shall be Moderator, Vice Moderator, Secretary-/Historian, Treasurer and Moderator of the Search Committee. Additional members shall be: Circle chairs and members-at-large. The moderator will have authority to appoint members-at-large for specific responsibilities, should the need arise.
Section 1: The Moderator shall preside at all meetings of the Coordinating Team and all gatherings of PW in the Congregation. She shall be the direct link to PW in the Presbytery.
Section 2: The Vice-Moderator shall preside in the absence of the Moderator or at her request. If the office of the Moderator shall vacant between elections, she shall complete the Moderators term. She shall coordinate the annual Mexican Dinner and Bazaar. She shall also assist the Moderator as requested.
Section 3: The Secretary/Historian shall maintain and preserve the current and historical records of PW in the Congregation.
Section 4: The Treasurer shall have knowledge and understanding of the receipts and disbursements of the operating funds of PW in the Congregation, and pledge and any special offerings received. She shall oversee the annual budget. She shall distribute pledge cards and keep a record of the member's gibing and provide a year-end statement of giving. She shall make financial reports at all PW in the Congregation meetings. She shall make an annual financial report available to the Session of the Church. She shall submit her books to be audited at the end of the year by the Session's audit committee.
Section 5: The Moderator of the Search Committee shall chair the Search Committee and present for election the manes of women called to leadership positions in PW in the Congregation.
Section 6: The Circle chairs shall bring the Circle's needs and concerns to the Coordinating Team and, in turn, take information to the Circle.
Section 7: The Members-at-large with specific responsibilities shall be appointed as necessary to perform the work of PW in the Congregation.
Section 1: The Moderator shall preside at all meetings of the Coordinating Team and all gatherings of PW in the Congregation. She shall be the direct link to PW in the Presbytery.
Section 2: The Vice-Moderator shall preside in the absence of the Moderator or at her request. If the office of the Moderator shall vacant between elections, she shall complete the Moderators term. She shall coordinate the annual Mexican Dinner and Bazaar. She shall also assist the Moderator as requested.
Section 3: The Secretary/Historian shall maintain and preserve the current and historical records of PW in the Congregation.
Section 4: The Treasurer shall have knowledge and understanding of the receipts and disbursements of the operating funds of PW in the Congregation, and pledge and any special offerings received. She shall oversee the annual budget. She shall distribute pledge cards and keep a record of the member's gibing and provide a year-end statement of giving. She shall make financial reports at all PW in the Congregation meetings. She shall make an annual financial report available to the Session of the Church. She shall submit her books to be audited at the end of the year by the Session's audit committee.
Section 5: The Moderator of the Search Committee shall chair the Search Committee and present for election the manes of women called to leadership positions in PW in the Congregation.
Section 6: The Circle chairs shall bring the Circle's needs and concerns to the Coordinating Team and, in turn, take information to the Circle.
Section 7: The Members-at-large with specific responsibilities shall be appointed as necessary to perform the work of PW in the Congregation.
The Coordinating Team shall:
The Coordinating Team shall:
- Conduct an annual review and evaluation based on goals of the year just completed.
- Set goals and objectives for the new program year.
- Act as the Search Committee.
- Maintain an on-going, working, relationship with the PW link-leader.
- Discover and utilize the gifts of members.
- Be responsible for an ongoing educational program for women based on their spiritual needs.
- Provide an opportunity to support the mission of the PC(USA) through giving, education, global awareness and other means.
- Be responsible for the preparation of an Annual Budget for authorization of expenditures to be presented at the Fall Gathering of PW in the Congregation.
- Maintain accountability to, and relationships with, the Session through an annual report which includes a financial report, and shall establish a fiscal year consistent with that governing body.
- Maintain relationship with PW in the Presbytery and facilitate communication of information and resources to/from PW at all levels and the wider church.
- Relate to any other women's group that may exist in the congregation.
- Maintain relationships with Church Women United, and other ecumenical groups, community and issue networks, as appropriate.
The program of PW in the Congregation shall be financed through women's Pledges and our yearly fundraiser. Each woman shall be encouraged to pledge through PW in the Congregation for:
The program of PW in the Congregation shall be financed through women's Pledges and our yearly fundraiser. Each woman shall be encouraged to pledge through PW in the Congregation for:
- Women's mission support for the worldwide missions of the PC(USA) through the Birthday and Thank Offerings and the operating budget of PW in the Congregation, Presbytery, Synod, and Church-wide levels.
- PW in the Congregation shall meet at least twice a year for fellowship, information, inspiration, advocacy, and to conduct business. Officers shall be elected at the fall gathering and installed in January and will take office following their installation.
These Bylaws may ve amended at any gathering by two-thirds vote of those present and Voting, provided notice of the proposed amendments have been submitted, in writing, to the members at least thirty (30) days prior to the gathering at which they will be voted on. They may also be amended by three-fourth's vote without prior notice. These bylaws may be suspended by a two- thirds vote of those present and voting, provided notice of such suspension has been submitted in writing to the members thirty (30) days prior to the gathering at which it will be voted on, or a three-fourths vote without prior notice.
These Bylaws may ve amended at any gathering by two-thirds vote of those present and Voting, provided notice of the proposed amendments have been submitted, in writing, to the members at least thirty (30) days prior to the gathering at which they will be voted on. They may also be amended by three-fourth's vote without prior notice. These bylaws may be suspended by a two- thirds vote of those present and voting, provided notice of such suspension has been submitted in writing to the members thirty (30) days prior to the gathering at which it will be voted on, or a three-fourths vote without prior notice.
- OFFICER ROTATION---There shall be a rotation system so that half of the officers will be elected each year.
Year 1: Secretary/Historian, Moderator of Search Committee. Year 2: Moderator, Vice Moderator, Treasurer. - CIRCLES--- The circle(s) will have monthly meetings for fellowship and Bible study. The circle shall elect a chair to coordinate and keep records of the activities of the circle and report information from PW in the Congregation and Coordinating team meetings.